The theatrical trailer of ‘Baahubali’ has been trending at the top on Youtube ever since it was released on June 1st. The trailer has received a thumping response across multiple platforms and it has now racked up over 1 Crore views.
Here is a breakup of the figures.
Telugu :
Baahubali on Facebook – 25 Lakhs +
Baahubali on YouTube – 31 Lakhs +
Baahubali on T – Series/Lahari Telugu – 13 Lakhs +
Hindi :
Dharma Productions YouTube – 21 Lakhs +
Tamil :
Studio Green on YouTube – 6.6 Lakhs +
Other channels – 0.5lakhs +
Malayalam :
Global United Movies on YouTube – 1 Lakh +
Team Baahubali and also Prabhas fans are delighted with the amazing response to the trailer. The first part of ‘Baahubali’, titled ‘Baahubali – The Beginning’, is going to hit the screens in July and director S.S. Rajamouli is currently busy with the post-production activities of the movie. Arka Mediaworks is producing this big budget period action film.