Prabhas and Switzerland - Part Three

This time we'll have a look at Neeve Neeve Song locations from Darling Movie. This song has been shot in Lucerne and Bern in Switzerland. Lucerne is another beautiful town located by the side of the Lake Lucerne and Bern, the capital of Switzerland.

The scenes below have been shot at the Fritschi Fountain at Kapellplatz, Lucerne.Lucerne has its fair share of fountains and Fritschi Fountain is one of the city's favourites. Fritschi is a legendary character who dates back to the 15th century and his statue stands in the middle of the fountain, while his wife, a maiden and a peasant are also part of the set up.

The Fritschi Fountain:

This scene has been shot the Parliament House, Bern. Though you can't see the Parliament Buildings in this song, you can see the fountains in the front. The colourful pillar is actually a street phone booth a couple of which can be seen in the market place adjoining the parliament building.

The Parliament House with the Fountains:

A view of the place on Google Maps (You can see both the fountains and the phone booths here):

Remember seeing this place?

Well, this Darling still was shot here. It's near the Tower Clock, MarketGasse and also quite near the Parliament Buildings. 

This scene was also shot at the same place near the Parliament Building.

A view of the place on Google Maps (near the Vatter Restaurant):

A view of the Parliament Buiding, Bern from the Vatter Restaurant.

This scene where Prabhas croons 'Cheliya......' is on the Rathaus-Steg bridge, one of the seven bridges in the city of Lucerne across the River Reuss leading to one of the most famous landmarks of the town, The Jesuit Church (Jesuitenkirche) which can be seen in the background.

Some more views of the Rathaus-Steg and the Jesuit Church.

Enjoy VIdeo Song Here- 

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